A segment in which has been especially successful on some markets in recent years, is Bag on Valve aerosol sprays with different kinds of saline solutions. This growth has been brought on by the wide range of saline based products available on the market, complemented by the benefits of Bag on Valve technology.

Why use saline solutions in Bag on Valve packaging?

Saline solutions offer a number of benefits for the consumer:

  • User friendly

  • Inexpensive

  • Effective

  • Can be sold as OTC-products

Given these advantages, Bag on Valve (BoV) Contract Manufacturer’s (CMO’s), such as Aurena Laboratories, have recognized the opportunity to develop superior products, by packaging saline-based sprays in the convenient and easy to use Bag on Valve aerosol cans. These products have a wide variety of application areas, from removing build-up of earwax, to eyewash, where a gentle, soft rinsing is administered directly to the eye. The saline-based products from Aurena are classified as medical devices in EU.

Packaging medical device products with BoV can be beneficial over traditional aerosol cans for a number of reasons. The following are three primary reasons why BoV is the leading choice for certain types of healthcare products.

  1. Superior product integrity

  2. Even and controlled spraying pattern for optimal result

  3. Can be used at all angles

Available saline sprays

Saline and seawater based medical devices in aerosol are available for the following applications:

  • wound cleansing/irrigation

  • nasal sprays

  • eye wash sprays

  • ear wax removal sprays

  • throat sprays for sore throats

These application categories can offer a vast range of product lines. Some saline/seawater nasal sprays, for instance, are widely spread. The sprays use the osmosis effect and draw out excess water from the mucous membranes, reducing the edema of the nasal mucosa, providing faster and more effective decongestion of the nasal cavity. They also provide mechanical cleansing that helps in cleaning the nasal cavity from excess mucous, dust, pollutants and allergens in a natural, non-harmful, way.

Bag on Valve wound healing sprays are supported by isotonic saline wound-wash sprays that mechanically clean and moisturise wound tissue. Saline-based sprays also work fine on the osmosis effect to improve mucous membranes in the throat.

Report on Saline Sprays and Bag-on-Valve Technology

Learn more by downloading our report about Creating Barriers: Saline Sprays and Bag on Valve technology.

If you have a saline solution that isn’t in a Bag on Valve can, contact Aurena Laboratories and we will assist you in meeting your consumer’s demand.